Friday Inspiration 443

Friday Inspiration 443

I wouldn’t say the title of this video, “Where Do NYC Cab Drivers Eat?” is inaccurate, but I think the video is much more a story about two friends and how people find community in large cities. (video)

This is for anyone who’s ever bought a throwback sports jersey, and isn’t quite sure why they did it, but who also enjoys how it makes them feel. (gift link)

I know there are lots of heartwarming stories about the Olympics, but this one is my favorite so far: Norwegian swimmer Henrik Christiansen is so obsessed with the chocolate muffins in the Olympic village that he’s made 10 TikTok videos about them. (The most popular one has been viewed more than 10 million times)

This piece reminded me that a) I’ve been using Gmail for almost 20 years and b) that I am probably not emotionally ready to read emails I wrote to anyone from probably 2005 through 2010. But wow.

This is such a cool short video about Kathryn Bigelow’s revolutionary POV shots, and how ahead of their time they were for fast action shots—especially when you consider how big and heavy the cameras were, compared to the first GoPro, which wouldn’t come along for another 14 years.

As a trail runner who worries about the welfare of animals maybe a little more than average, I have to say being followed by a flock of lost sheep on my run is maybe more terrifying than being followed by a mountain lion.

I had a great chat with my friend Jonathan Ellsworth on The Blister Podcast on Monday, and if you think I sound like shit, it’s because I do! But we still had a wonderful conversation about Ultra-Something. (I’ve had a cough for 3+ weeks now and am relentlessly advocating for myself as a patient in the healthcare system, while trying to rest and drink lots of fluids.)



Writer, artist, filmmaker, columnist for Outside Magazine. My newsletter about creativity, adventure, and enthusiasm goes out to 15,000+ subscribers every week.

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thumbnail from 3 ways to defend your mind against social media distortions

Friday Inspiration 448 As much as we all at know, deep in our hearts, that social media isn’t real life, it’s interesting to hear some experts talk about how we can keep it from distorting our perspective (also, there’s an ad in this video from about 00:50 until 2:10, if you’d like to skip it)(video) Sure, Shohei Ohtani is impressive as a baseball player because he’s able to succeed at a high level as both a pitcher and a hitter (and base-stealer), but how many other MLB players have ever...

Illustration: Here Be Dragons

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thumbnail from How I Became A Cruiser Bike Guy

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